Live attenuated freeze-dried divalent vaccine against Newcastle disease and infectious bronchitis


ORNIMIX CLONE (B1-Hitchner + H120)

Live attenuated freeze-dried divalent vaccine against Newcastle disease and infectious bronchitis


Each dose contains attenuated strains of Newcastle disease virus Bio 52, NDV B1 EID50 106,107.5  and infectious bronchitis virus  Bio 53, IBV H 120 EID50 103 – 104.8

Target species:

Broilers, breeders and commercial layers


Intended for administration to healthy chickens as an aid to prevent infectious bronchitis and Newcastle disease.

Advantage of incorporating both vaccines into a single vaccine is to: 

reduce double vaccination stress on chickens,

reduce cost and work load of double vaccination,

provide reasonable gap for other vaccines,

protect chickens from an early age infection by both disease agents.


The vaccine is administered to day-old chickens by spraying droplet in to the eye/nasal or by drinking water.

For water vaccination, dilute the vaccine in fresh drinking water and provide to chickens using an appropriate drinker. Revaccination can be performed after 4 weeks and 6 weeks following spray or via drinking water vaccination, respectively.

Shelf life:

24 months


Store in a refrigerator (2 °C – 8 °C). Do not freeze. Store in a dry place protected from light.


10 vials each containing 1000, 2000 and 5000 doses