Lavet Pharmaceuticals Ltd plays a key role in the veterinary market both in Hungary and Europe. The company was founded by Hungarian investors, with the aim to provide a wide range of high quality pharmaceutical products for both the national and international veterinary markets. Basically, LAVET activate as a parent company, that many big European brands such as Ceva, Boehringer Ingelheim and a number of other reliable brands buy their products from this factory.
The company’s main activities include the development, registration and manufacture of veterinary medicinal products where first and foremost responsible behavior is kept in mind. In the spirit of the slogan of this company “You Love We Care”, the experts constantly strive to help the animal owners’ in every days’ care with the products as efficiently as possible. During the development process the primary goal is to provide the best solutions for prevention and treatment of possible veterinary issues by utilizing practical knowledge as well as the latest research results, taking into account the needs and problems of animal owners.